Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Two Decades Later

Two decades after I was born, way too much has changed. And I don't want to call myself a conservative or a traditionalist, but it's like I'm a whole different person. And as much as that makes me happy, it scares me nonetheless. For me, I've somewhat come full circle and to add, those who I knew from my childhood have forgotten who I am, and for those who still remember, would be shocked to see that I am a totally different person in ways, but much of that Sasha-ness is still there. My autistic traits, my being able to relate to everyone as much as I can, my energetic spirit, my difficulties, etc; they all still live with me day after day.

First off, I no longer have much of a connection to my downstate roots. It's almost as if it was just a dream. Not so much however. Some of the faces and names are still there, and I try to keep a strong connection with my past as my past has helped to shape my present and will help (and/or hurt) to shape my future. I am surprised that I do not have an extreme fear of change, but I don't. It's inevitable. But that downstate connection I try to keep alive, as it's where I'm from

As the great philosopher and historian George Santayana said in his oft-misquoted remark:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
And I try my hardest to live by that every day. It's not the easiest thing to do in the world, but I can say that I try, and that's what counts.

Sure, I've had some tragic and very upsetting things happen in my life, but I have every time risen above them. Here's to twenty great years and a kajillion more! It's been a fun and a wild ride.

(NOTE: Kajillion is defined by the Urban Dictionary as "A very large number [that is] usually an overexxageration.")