There's many signs that a school year is coming to an end at Potsdam. The traffic lightens up, thanks to Clarkson ending their year right before us, nicer weather returning, non-stop rain-about that! The rain combined with melting snow pushed the Raquette River to its highest level in ages. However, this past weekend and today have been much nicer. I know I become unhappy when the sun does not shine. There's more signs too. Summer can be such a tempting mistress, and as much as Potsdam is in many ways home, you just want to be free of academic concerns. The arrival of summer is bittersweet, but it makes me realize how much I've grown this school year. It also makes me realize how much more I need to grow up, and how I have one too many hypocrite moments.
Needless to say, I keep chugging along.