Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

There's No Excuses Not to Vote Next Week

Even though the races here in New York and New Jersey are fairly set in stone, races across the country are still up in the air. And honestly, if you're a minority, a woman, any American who feels that voting counts, go vote on Tuesday!

The polls and whatnot have been driving me crazy. Sure, it's easy to get discouraged, but look at what Obama has had to deal with. The Republicans see him as an extremist, as "un-American". Maybe we need someone who is not so much as un-American, but And yes, I'm not entirely thrilled with a man who might be the reason why Jeb Bush becomes the 45th President. I'd rather take Hillary, even with her history, over another Bush. I don't want to bring the gender card into play, but we've had forty-four men run this country. I think it's time for a woman for a change. I am a man, and I say this strongly: I trust a woman's judgement over a man's. It's exactly why I consult my mom on issues from time to time.

All I know is this: I don't want my country turning into a libertarian's paradise, one that is coated in a theocracy. America needs to move forwards, not backwards. Sure, a few rotten eggs should not get back into office, but the good ones should get in.

And there's always 2016 if all goes wrong. Now to get my nerves back!