Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rant for September 29, 2011

CNN: Bank of America to charge $5 monthly debit card fee

According to CNN, BoA is going to start charging for using your debit card. As someone who doesn't have a credit card and doesn't really write checks, this would have been a huge nuisance for me if I had an account with them.

In the end, it's about how in this country big business wins. America is broken my friends, and the stupid begins with all of us. Now I'm not insulting anybody personally, but we're not the sharpest tools in the shed. We've let an out of control political system (note how I didn't say government) and huge "too big to fail" corporations run our daily lies. And no, I don't want to sound like a radical, but I'm just a concerned citizen.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The only thing we have to fear is.... (Part II)

...the girl you like finding another guy and you unable to do anything. That and finding out that same girl is a wild child.

I have dreams of being engaged in December of 2016, not to mention being able to boast that I have a child older than the completed Second Avenue Subway. Heck, that's something I'd die to be able to brag about.

But enough about that, I have my mediocre life to attend to...

Friday, September 23, 2011

This is the mind that can't ever rest

Some things are really properly said.

For instance, I've come to find that I have an issue with that I am always up. I am never taking a rest. I'm always up and about doing something. Even when I sleep, I'm thinking. It's for me involuntary. I am always trying to accomplish something. Brilliance does not rest, not even for a second. I am a one man think tank.

But enough about that. Today has been a pretty decent day if you ask me. No girl I like has screwed me over today, so I'm doing good. I haven't effed up big time yet, so I'm doing alright.

Rants for September 23, 2011

Okay, now I'll take the plunge.

For the last couple of weeks, I've fancied this girl who I've been struggling to get to know. Some of you know who I am talking about. She's one of the 900 plus freshman that I go to school with. But something about her I find really captivating. I will add though that I hope to run into her Monday, because if I do, dammit I'm giving her my number and some other contact information. No if's, and's or but's. I've already have dreamed about traveling with her to places like Alaska and New York City.

This is where my pathetic shows.

This takes me back to the most unorthodox relationship I was ever in. It involved my absolute best friend's younger sister (Sound familiar? Harry Potter maybe?). I was suspecting that she was interested in me when she was making quick but not instant quick glances at me. I approached her about it and she admitted she'd been stalking my Facebook for at that point nearly five months. Not bad!

Our month long relationship was nothing but rocky. We only kissed on one weekend, and other than that, it was totally awkward. Was it worth it? In many ways, yes. Sometimes we fight for things we believe in, and for me, I like betting on things that I'm right on (at long as it doesn't involve money, but more dating stuff).

And am I a risk taker? Damm straight I am!

P.S. Any girl who wears bright red nail polish and is a geek definitely has my heart.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rants for September 22, 2011

I'll say the weather outside might be frightful, but it's other things that are moreso. But there's also a few things that are delightful

First off, I'm fairly pissed that Georgia executed Troy Davis. For just about all forms of murder, I am against the death penalty. The only time I'm in favor of it is for mass murderers (like leaders who are open about the genocides they have committed). And even then I'm not quite comfortable with it. When a story gets manipulated, something isn't right. God show mercy on the soul of the Georgia state courts. And with a presidential election focused on a party that doesn't have any concern for the living (that's right GOP, I'm talking about you!) this issue is important, considering the governor of Texas[s] is in the running. I'm sorry, but I have to say that when a political party is not in favor at all of some sort of government health care support and is for the death penalty, I have to say that political party is

Second, I still have my mystery crush on my mind. Let's just say she's an athletic version (along with lack of serious medical issues) of one of my close friends. And that leads me to the rest of the topic: if a girl has a guy they like on their mind, the girl should speak up. Sorry, but some of us guys can be downright blind in that regard, especially your autistic author here. I think most girls are also turned off by how much I hang out with other girls. Try having an intellectually stimulating and/or emotionally stimulating conversation with a guy. It's hard.

Third, I'm finding that we live in a way too confusing world. The human race should focus energy on figuring out how to communicate better. With this

And lastly, I'll leave the stock market out for today, except for this one tidbit. Girls, marry a guy with a full time job. It's not a bad thing one bit. However, Facebook rolled out even more changes today, and all I can say is that Facebook really needs to now start offering its users instruction manuals. And by the way Mark Zuckerberg: The world only has room for one Steve Jobs. Wait your effing turn. Maybe Operation Facebook might not be a bad idea.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I've lost faith in CNN

Poll: Palin making gains but most in GOP don't want her to run

SHE'S NOT EVEN A CANDIDATE AND YOU'RE ACTING LIKE SHE IS. JEEZUM!!!!!!!!!!! (storms off in protest).

Stress...and a LOT of it

From last year:

For the last couple weeks, I haven't been myself entirely as I've realized that even I, who tries to be Superman all the time has limits. I've also learned you can't please everyone, just like that old song.

This semester has been a big change for me academically. For one, almost all of my classes are upper division classes, with no Friday classes, which means I have all classes which are an hour long at least. And as many of you know, I have ADHD tendencies, and thus a compromised attention span, which is something I've been working on for years.

But I vow this Friday I am going to take the day off and just simply relax. It's something I'm overdue for. That and I really need to study.
Things don't really change, do they?

Fact Checking

...is something I do on a daily basis

According to the Pacific Northwest Inlander,
The media is quite important to politicians. According to America, if you are a politician who is seeking to establish credibility, you should go on NBC's Meet the Press with Tim Russert because "holding your own against Russert is a political rite of passage akin to the Masai teenage-warrior circumcision ritual and only slightly easier on your penis. But tread carefully: It's early Sunday morning, and he fact-checks."
I pretty much do the same thing on a daily basis. And I like the concept of fact checking. I really do. I can make certain conclusions pretty fast, even inaccurate ones sadly, and I can save myself from certain disaster. One of my posts from earlier today will illustrate this.

Rants for September 21, 2011 (Part III)

A few people who I know have been complaining about how hard relationships are.

I hear girls complain how they don't understand us boys (guys). Well, here's one for the books: maybe we guys don't understand you ladies. I propose a solution. Don't be afraid to ask us if you need a clarification on an emotion. I've tried being nice to every girl I know, and it takes more than being nice to get a girl to like you. And I know this. But then again, I'm a social klutz.

There are times when girls mention a guy on their social networking site as a guy they like. I once hoped it was me, and it turned out it was! Sure, the relationship didn't last, but one thing did: my pride in correctly guessing.

And as for me stalking people's social networking pages: it's my way of sniffing a person out. I'm like Jack Byrnes (Robert DeNiro) from Meet the Parents. I can usually sniff out people, despite having no ability when it comes to reading body language. I will say one thing however: I'm not afraid to try much. Asking girls out on dates isn't my expertise, but I'll say that if I have to, I will get the courage to do so. As Sir Winston Churchill once wrote: Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” And he was right on the money.

Rants for September 21, 2011 (Part II)

Overnight, Facebook changed again. Change, my friends, is a part of life we all need to get used to and just plain old accept. I know, it sucks. But at the same time, sometimes change isn't a bad thing. Change allows us to see something from a different perspective. But many Facebook users aren't as savy as the rest of us,

Then again, there's always Google+, which I still have to figure out how to use fully. But Google+ just isn't the same. But I'll accept it nonetheless.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rants for September 21st, 2011

Since I've found out this evening that commenting on people's Facebook statuses is seen as ACTUALLY CREEPY, I've decided to start blogging again, since I have an opinion on what people have to say, thank you very much.

First off, on the topic of Glee: I'm not watching it unless I'm in the presence of a significant other. Sorry. It's a cute show but it's just not for me. I find musicals repulsive in the first place. Maybe it's an autistic thing.

Second, Facebook changed its layout again. I think it's for the best. It helps me as I think people take offense to my very habit of knowing everyone's business. Maybe it's tempting to comment on what other people are thinking. Trust me, for me everything is tempting. If you're going to post a status about wanting a cuddle buddy, I'm going to comment. I'm a bit of a loner, and college is a semi-hell in that regard. If you're commenting on how sleep deprived you are, I'm going to be concerned.

I should head to bed as it's almost 1AM on the East Coast. Jeezum, I have serious issues, but I deal with them and learn from them every day.