Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A response to my own blog entry: Dating and general relationship misconceptions among Aspies

For many years now I have had a feeling of inadequacy as a person. Much of this is a result of being sheltered all through middle school and not being accepted by my peers for the first half of high school. It seemed that no matter what, I struggled to make friends and every time I tried to ask a girl out, it ended in failure.

One of the tragedies of all of this is that I was never taught how to ask a girl out,and because of that I was never able to appropriately approach girls, and often found myself making a fool out of myself. And I was probably fairly gullible in high school too, well, not so much in the second half of high school.

And where has this put me? As I've mentioned, I can count on one finger how many girlfriends I've had. I've had people call me not only gay (which in itself isn't derogatory), but derogatory terms.

Lately, I've had a feeling that it might be too late for me to end up with a girl, as I don't like the idea of online dating (although I've considered it) and going to bars (because I don't drink). If anything, I'm seriously considering going back to school just to keep me occupied.

I should note: I probably have a TON of misconceptions and incorrect information on dating and relationships. It comes with Asperger's, I'm pretty sure. Like:

-How often people in high school and college date
-How to ask a girl out and get a "yes" answer
-Are most dating relationships lifelong?

And my own problems:

-My own shortcomings with my sexuality (I AM NOT implying that I'm gay.) How about this? They give guys pills to boost their sex drive, so how about me getting injections of oxytocin to improve my quality of life?
-Paraphrasing a crush: "I've done a lot of things I lot of things I’d never thought I could do." Finish college before I turned 22, or even graduate? Check. Participate in a conference on high speed rail? Check. Speak publicly about my autism in front of groups of people? Check. Drive by myself for nine hours? Check. Be in a romantic relationship? Check. There's of course a bit I still have to do, but we've turned growing up and maturing into a race that overwhelms people like me.
-I'm a latecommer in a lot of things. I only became potty-trained when I was three. I was a late talker. I was in the fourth grade when I learned to tie my shoes. But in some cases, I've been overwhelmingly successful. I passed my driver's test on the first try. I never wet the bed after being potty trained.
-I fear my future spouse will have a greater sexual history than me, not to mention her being my only sexual partner (somehow, I find that degrading to my self-worth). Okay, a better way of saying it would be awkward. I need someone on my own wavelength.

Has anyone here been in the same boat or is in the same boat I am in? 

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