Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My rant towards the autism communty

By no means am I attacking anyone personally. This is just a rant.

Lately, I've found myself more and more repulsed by other auties and Aspies. In general, I know several, on here and on Facebook who drown their lives in autism. There's more to life than our conditions. Let me paraphrase a (semi-celebrity) crush: Autism doesn't define me, yes, it's part of who I am. But there's more to me than my autism/Asperger's. Yes, I do understand that there are some, even on Facebook, who have it a LOT worse than I have it.

From a Facebook group this morning: a message aimed at me
just to keep you updated, we've had issues in this group with things being called "creepy" so in the future please try to use another word?
When did "creepy" become another "r" type word? I didn't know what "creepy" was offensive! My challenge to everyone out there: are there any other words for "creepy" in the English lexicon?

And lastly: the Âû Facebook Fad: As almost all of you know, Âû is short for the invisible Autism Union (or is it Autism United), which I see as no more than a FAD. I'm all for autism solidarity, but I'm not going to have it tattooed. There is more to my life than having an autism diagnosis: my friends and family, my interests, my passions.

And the grudge against Autism Speaks? Give it up already! They're not perfect, but it's the job of HFA's and Aspies to right whatever they say.

I understand and accept if people take offense to what I have to say, but this is how I see the autism community at times: kind of old-man style complaining.

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