Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Has The World Gone Nuts?

Our Insanity is Letting the Terrorists Win
By Sasha Ivanoff
For the Ivanoff Report

Late last week the sheriff of Ulster County, New York proposed every citizen that has a pistol permit to start carrying it as (in my eye) a way of fending terrorists off. The message boards are showing that my fellow Americans are resorting to infantile coping methods. We are much better than this as a nation. If anything, the fact that ISIL can have this much of an effect on this country is a little frightening, and I know that sounds hypocritical coming from me.

Since the Paris attacks and the tragic shootings in Colorado and San Bernadino, California, America has been in a state of panic. When is the next attack going to happen? Is there a way to protect us? (And if you're a Republican, you're probably saying “We told you that President Obama couldn't keep us safe”. Don't remind me that the Democrats are already at a disadvantage going into next year's elections (my dissatisfaction over this nation's perpetual state of campaigning is already something I am far from thrilled with, and that's another blog entry). Well, for those Republicans out there: as far as I read, there was absolutely no indication and no intelligence to suggest such an attack was bound to happen. However, Americans live in a state of fear of even a feather falling on them.

And to add, there are Republicans who are arguing that not only could the attacks been prevented, that the whole notion of insulting people who have been praying for those who have been injured and those who lost loved ones in these massacres is demeaning. However, I am siding with the op-ed writers in this regard. If the GOP wants to propose doing something, how about this? Close off our nation's border altogether. Prohibit foreigners from coming to visit, to study as exchange students, to work on a green card, you name it. (UPDATE: Donald Trump on Monday proposed exactly what I said. Slick move for the Donald).

There is a lot that this nation can do to combat ISIL, and some of it doesn't even involve military action. We can explore the reasons behind ISIL's sudden rise to power and understand how our foreign policy can alienate nations who we call allies.

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