Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sasha's commentary for August 8, 2013: Wealthy Developmentally Disabled Individuals and Crack Baby Basketball

The Village Voice reports on really interesting topics and this particular one on the seven-figure trust funds for individuals had me stunned. Of course you don't want to leave your kids with JPMorgan Chase. Bad idea. Unless you're purposely trying to p'oe a judge, don't do it. Have a back-up plan for your back-up plan in your will.
Judge Kristen Booth Glen has at least, a heart:
"Whether there is a cure for his autism or not, the question is: Are there things that could make his life more pleasurable or fulfilling? If somebody took him out to the movies once a week, or somebody took him out to lunch, or what he really likes to do is watch football—I don't know. There's always something that could make people happier, and I don't think you could know that without really visiting him and knowing what's going on."
Now, I and the autism community probably aren't one for her using the words "cure" and "autism" in the same sentence. Nonetheless, the story itself has a ton of twists and turns. It has a happy ending, but it's a shame that Judge Glen had to play the role of a family court judge.

I also sort of have to agree with Mayor Bloomberg. Pension costs are drowning governments across the United States, especially as people live longer. That being said, I plan to work until I'm at least 90, but slow down after 70, as in possibly work part time. However, I do believe that there are limits to how much you can tighten pensions. You put in forty years, you deserve retirement. I think we should have single payer retirement system, a la fancy Social Security. Would it ever happen? Nope.

Anyone remember the wave of scandals that have hit the NCAA? The NCAA is in my opinion, of course, as bad as the College Board. But the recent scandal makes many of the past ones trivial. In general, the way the NCAA works is DYSFUNCTIONAL. Imaginary football players. How low! The whole thing reminds me that the NCAA has alterior motives and its own best interests at heart. So does Eric Cartman from South Park.

I'm not sure what the rules are on blabbing to your aunt and uncle that your cousin (their kid) is pregnant. But I have to agree with the posters: this one you stay out of. And why doesn't a 23 year old in the Albany area have their license (then again, this could be anywhere)? My advice: bite the bullet. That being said, there are a lot of sexually active adults without their license.

National Underwear Day made it into the Village Voice. Cool!

And finally, I remembered the film I saw with Cayla, the only one that we saw in a theatre. It was Just Go with It.

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