Just some miscellaneous ramblings from an Upstate New Yorker.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Where honesty is due (TIME Magazine on childfree people)

No, I am not a eugenicist, in fact, eugenics would traditionally have people like myself written off the map. (An article in TIME Magazine does not help my thought processes on the subject either). But I do believe in voluntary population control through humane methods, like allowing people who don't want to have children to be allowed that right and allowing for easy and affordable birth control. It's our planet and we need to take care of it. I believe Planet Earth practices homeostasis.

And plus, modern technology has put people who would do manual labor out of work, so . I am very convinced that population growth has outpaced job creation. I believe across the globe there are less employment opportunities today than thirty years ago. Even with full employment worldwide, thanks to population growth and technology, less people today would be employed. And of course, everyone should have the right to human survival, but that is hard when you need to have employment for those things. If I had one wish, it would be that every person on Earth would be well-fed, had a home and enough clothing. In essence, their basic needs met without having to worry about survival.

Simple: for every person born, ideally an old person should pass on. Then again this is Earth, and Earth is FAR from perfect.

Personally, I want kids, but I also want the satisfaction of knowing that I'm not bringing a child into an overpopulated world. At least being on the autism spectrum gives me the wonderful excuse that I don't have to have more than one kid to be happy. And I've met plenty of happy peers who grew up as only children.

Yes, sometimes what I say can be creepy, but some things are also left best for a blog, where I have room to explain where what might be taken as creepy is just my abstract thinking which with some worlk makes good sense.

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